HealthScribe Privacy Policy


I. Preamble


Welcome to the HealthScribe product. This Privacy Policy("Policy") is designed to tell you how we collect, use, store and protect your personal information. Please read and understand this Policyin its entirety before using HealthScribe products. By using the HealthScribe Products, you agree to and accept all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


II. Information Collection


Health Data: HealthScribe products will collect health data such as your blood pressure history, heart rate, and other health data. This data will be used to monitor your health, provide health recommendations and analysis.

Device Information: In order to provide better services, we may collect information about your device, such as device model, operating system version, IP address, and so on.


III. Use of Information


Service Provision: We use the information we collect to provide and improve the features and services of the HealthScribe product, including but not limited to health data analysis, health advice pushing, etc.

Data Analysis: We may anonymize the information we collect for statistical analysis, product optimization, and other purposes.


IV. Information Security


Data Protection: We take reasonable technical and management measures to protect your information, including but not limited to data encryption, access control, security auditing, etc.

Storage security: Your information will be stored on a secure server and appropriate backup and recovery measures will be taken to prevent data loss.

Access Restrictions: We restrict access to your information, and only authorized personnel can access the relevant information.


V. User Rights


Right of access: You have the right to access, view and correct your personal information.

The right to delete: In compliance with laws and regulations, you have the right to request the deletion of your personal information.


VI. Changes in Privacy Policy


We reserve the right to modify this Policyin accordance with business development and changes in laws and regulations. Any modifications will be notified to you through the relevant channels of the HealthScribe product. If you do not agree to the modified agreement, you may choose to stop using the HealthScribe product.


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